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Health and Wellness

 Moving Forward: How to Reflect and Move Onward from a Challenging Year

Moving Forward: How to Reflect and Move Onward from a Challenging Year

Let’s be honest for a minute: 2020. What started with “roaring twenties” energy, quickly became a year characterized by unforeseen circumstances and uncontrollable changes. Memories canceled, jobs disrupted, national crises, rhythms unraveled and all around disappointments are likely a few of the things that probably come to mind when you hear “twenty-twenty.” While there were multiple pleasant surprises and surely good that came this calendar year, it’s often hard to remember or cherish those bright moments in light of the countless “negatives” that will forever be associated with this trip around the sun. ☞ keep reading …

How to Feel your Best Self through Fitness

How to Feel your Best Self through Fitness

Life can get really busy - so busy that it seems like there is never enough time to get in a good sweat.

There are SO many benefits to getting your body moving throughout the week. Exercise is one of the most effective ways to improve your well-being and mental health - it relieves stress, helps your sleep patterns, increases your self-esteem and boosts your overall mood and energy. ☞ keep reading …

Ready to be a Morning Person?

Ready to be a Morning Person?

Are you someone that loves the early morning? You ease out of bed and enjoy the early morning stillness and quiet time it provides. You enjoy that first cup of coffee or tea and happily sip it as start your meditation practice. Does this sound like you? If so - that is fantastic.

Perhaps not though. Do you instead find getting out of bed in the morning really tough? You hit snooze a few times and wait until the last minute to get out of bed, dressed and out the door. You check your phone first thing and then you roll into your day. Sound familiar? ☞ keep reading …

The Importance of Reflection

The Importance of Reflection

Here at Bloom Talent, we are firm believers in the importance of reflection and we encourage one another and our candidates to do it daily. Why? Because when it comes to reflecting on your day, your life, ☞ keep reading …

Manifesting the Life You Want

Manifesting the Life You Want

As 2018 draws to an end, it is a great time to reflect on what this year has meant to you. At Bloom Talent, we like to start by asking ourselves, what made us proud, what did not go as planned and what we would like to improve on.☞ keep reading ...